Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend with Aunt becky and Grandma Stout.

This week Aunt Becky and Grandma Stout watched you, You got to sit and watch Maddy and Taylor play. They will be watching you while mommy & Daddy are at work sometimes.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 Months old

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030 002 025 037


WOW 4 months, you are growing up so fast… Theses are a few pics of you. You have just started this week sitting up in your little seats.  As of 7/23/10 I started giving you 1 tablespoon of rice ceral. I feed you it with a spoon, you really don’t like it at all you don’t like eating it with a spoon. You have been wanting to stand up on your feet a lot. You also have been trying to talk and make lots of noise.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


So last night was your 1st night sleeping in your crib :(, I missed you so much I couldn't even sleep. You did great, you go to bed at 9pm and have been waking up at 5:30. You where going to bed at 9pm and waking up at 7am. I was having you sleep in bed with mommy and daddy yo would sleep so good.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 4th weekend

We had a great time hanging with friends and family, We went to Karen’s house and then to Joe’s then back to Karens for fireworks at the Village green. Ethan did very well he just stared at them and didn’t even cry.030  017

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Hanging out a Grandma’s House

064 059 035 031 042 We all got together at Grandma and pop pop’s House for dinner

4th of July

028 025 026 027 030 029 Happy 4th of July, We stated at Karen’s house she had a cookout. I did put you in the baby pool for a min, it was so HOT!! outside. Then we all packed up and walk to the village green, Karen held you while I had them paint a flag on you.